February 18, 2011

Introducing "Sassy"

New puppy alert! new puppy alert!---Introducing "Sassy"! our newest member of the family. Born Dec. 2010. 2.5 lbs.
Bischon/Yorkie/Chihuahua mix.

Just like all new "parents" expect to see more bragging pictures of "Sassy" here. Sewing, quilting---what's that! I haven't even been in my sewing room for over a week now. We tend to forget how much attention puppies require. Not to mention sleep deprivation, mine, not hers.

P.S. : Jan A. Your right, "Sassy" is helping ease the pain.

February 02, 2011

Rugs from Rags

25-1/2" x 38 rag rug

Since the loom has been in the sewing room since Christmas, blocking my movement in there---and since I'm doing machine embroidery which sometimes can take 8 or 10 minutes between color changes, I've been spending those chunks of time weaving on this rug I started ages ago.

The rag rugs are fun, I just get side tracked with other quilting projects and forget about how useful and interesting it is to weave. Weaving a rug from fabric strips is also great way to use up scraps of fabric. I bought this particular loom years ago from the Country Threads booth at Pacific International Quilt Festival.

My loom has a wooden base with legs. I don't see that base on their website anymore, but it's certainly worth having as it makes the loom adjustable in height, and provides a steady base while I'm weaving. I can make a rug in a day or so once I get the weft in place. I've really procrastinated long enough on this rug. Bill won't have to ask "when are you going to finish the rug" anymore. Soon it will be done. I may even start another. Heaven knows I have enough fabric scrap strips to do dozens of rag rugs!

While I'm weaving, these are stitching!--or vice-versa.