Here with my morning coffee, and a nasty cold germ. Tis' the season I hear.
I was browsing reading some of my favorite blogs on this overcast Friday. The topic for most is about deadlines, and future quilting or sewing goals for 2010.
I used to be very goal oriented with my quilting up until the last year or so. I had a very detailed list of everything that needed to be done. I had a pencil attached to the list so that I could cross items off. However, I really felt stressed by this list, rather than free to enjoy the time I spent sewing and quilting and finishing those list projects. The "list" was stifling my imagination. Sucking it right out of my thoughts and dreams. How dare I think of anything "new and creative" when the "list" was there to be finished. No new patterns or fabric or anything for you ---Missy! (I would scold myself)-- You get busy and finish those projects, or else. I always wondered what "or else" would happen. I didn't notice anyone else complaining---
It all eventually started feeling like a chore, or a job. What was that about? I started weening myself from the "list". It's very difficult to not be "accomplished" with the "list" starring at you. No more joining stash busting lists, or challenges, groups, or forums that have to do with how much I can get accomplished in x amount of time. No more sewing & quilting resolutions or reminder notes on the wall of making this or that each week or month.
I've also re-evaluated why I sew and quilt. Why or how did I come to love and enjoy this hobby. I seemed to recalled it was to relax, and have fun. I spent a great deal of time setting up my sewing room so that I had a designated place to come into and sit and sew at my leisure, turn up the music, enjoy! Create ---and not because I had a made myself a deadline or expectation of sorts that I was committed to.
Now I just sew and quilt when I feel like it. I have found I accomplish much more than I did with the "list" starring back at me! It was like I was defeated by the "list" before I even started.
Now I just pull out a container with a project in it, or start a new project--- and just do what I do---when I do it.
I have way more fun doing this! Some time I spend a huge chunk of time sewing or quilting, other times not a all. For weeks at a time I don't sew or quilt. Then suddenly like the recharged energizer bunny I feel very creative and crank out some pretty neat stuff, and have the best time doing it.
Whoo-eeh! Don't look for quilting or sewing goals or lists or commitments here on this blog for 2010. There are none. I haven't a clue what I will sew or quilt in 2010. But, it's going to be so much fun!
I hold the same attitude! I do this to relax. I've had a deadline with Christmas gifts and it just hasn't been as fun. I've thought about opening an etsy shop with my custom raggedy dolls that I do but I'm afraid it will take the joy out of making them for those I love. I'm amazed by all some people accomplish but with me holding down a full-time job plus my other family responsibilities I'm not at my machine enough to even attempt to keep up with these ladies, and really why try? I love seeing what people do but I find if I compare myself that I rush through projects and don't enjoy the journey. No sewing goals for me this year either, just relaxing and loving my new sewing room that I'm working on! Cindy