March 09, 2010

Whats on the Design Wall Today!

I missed posting what was on the design wall last week. Not that much had changed.

I've been playing around at the long arm more than sewing lately.

I did finish piecing a quilt top from the kit I received from the Quilts for Kids organization. I plan to quilt it this week. If you have not heard of this charitable organization, and if you would like to get involved, there is more information over on the right side of my blog. The Downey Fabric Softener Co. is involved in this wonderful effort to provide comfort quilts for children that are ill and hospitalized.

Quilts for Kids is very organized. The kit you will receive has excellent instructions. Beautiful co-ordinated precut fabric from the best fabric manufacturers and a lovely woven label and a precut quilt backing. All you need to provide is some time, thread and batting. Complete the quilt top and the quilting and send it back to the designated return address. Here are the cute fabrics I received, and the quilt top I completed.

It is also suggested if you have the time and fabrics you can use the provided pattern and make a few more quilts with your fabrics and enclose them in the package. They will sew on the labels to your quilts when they arrive.  Here are two more tops I cut from my stash that I plan to send along.

For those of you who are following the progress on the diamond log cabin I am doing the final round of half-log diamonds. If I remember last count ---I have about 17 more to piece and then I will start sewing the diamond segments together.  Some of you have asked about the little picture of the girls face that shows up in some of the design wall pictures.  It's a cute page I tore out of one of my Mary Engelbriet calenders last year. She has this priceless surprised expression on her face that makes me smile every time I see it!---just some inspiration!

What's on your design wall? I hope whatever it is ---it's fun, and your making progess.


  1. Still loving the diamond log cabin

  2. Received my Quilts for Kids kit Monday and hope to get it sewn together today and ready for quilting. The hardest part will be to name the quilt, my prints are motorcycles. Any ideas? BettyLou

  3. Great kids quilt and love the fabrics you are using for the 'extras'.

    The Diamond Log Cabin is STUNNING :)


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I enjoy sharing my love of quilting and country living with you.