May 21, 2011

"Sakura" and a Jelly Roll

I bet you thought I was going to share a recipe! Instead I'm going to share a quilt made with 2-1/2" stripes of fabric also known in quilting circles as "Jelly Rolls".

One evening at our recent Spring Ranch Hands quilt retreat,
We had a "Jelly Roll Race".

I had brought along a few extra "Jelly Rolls" . My friend, Barbara, borrowed one of my extra jelly rolls so she could enter the race. She raced to the finish with this quilt top.
I added some purple sashing and a batik border once I had it home. Here it is hanging on the design wall. Here it is quilted with the Circle Lord "Sakura" template board design.

(click on photos to enlarge)
Surprisingly large at approx. 64" x 68". I used the new Superior Omni thread I mentioned in my previous blog posting. "Magic Magenta" in the top and bobbin. Here is a closer look at "Sakura". This is the first time I've had the opportunity to use this template, and I love how it stitched out across the quilt top.

This following pictures is of my jelly roll top that I haven't finished---yet. I've pulled out some fabrics for the sashing and the border. I hope to get it on the long arm this coming week. If you want a fast quilt top (Barbara beat me by 30 seconds in the race!)---These jelly roll tops are a lot of fun to piece and to quilt!

PS: Love the new "Omni" thread!


  1. I've made several "Jelly Roll Race" quilts. They are really a lot of fun and fast to make. Unfortunately I haven't found the time yet to quilt mine.

  2. Hi Angie
    I had not seen the Sakura design before. I really like it. It's a perfect combo with the jellyroll tops. Of course, the colors wonderful, too, on both the finished and WIP.

  3. Looks like you all had a great time at retreat. I like your Sakura design. It looks great on that quilt.

  4. Can you tell me the brand and name of the jelly roll used to make Barbara's jelly roll race quilt? I would like to make one like it:) Thanks


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