November 14, 2011

How Do You Primarily Buy Fabric?

While browsing around other bloggers sites, or peeking into their sewing space I notice many quilters have large stashes of fabric. That was not too surprising!---but, what surprised me is that their stashes primarily consist of large Bolts of Fabric! I'm not noticing they are in a business, they are hobby quilters like myself.
I have bought my share of fabric through the years, but I don't recall buying bolts and bolts of fabric. Occasionally I splurge on six or seven yards, or a wide quilt backing fabric.

Am I missing some unknown advantage to buying fabric by the bolt?

How do you buy fabric? Yards, fat quarters, precuts---bolts of fabric?

If you buy bolts of fabric, is it cost cutting to buy fabric this way?

Do you ever get tired of having so much of the same fabric on hand. A bolt is 15 yards. That seems like a lot of one print or color.

Storage issues?

I would love comments about this, and I've also set up a poll here on the side bar.


  1. i blogged about this laST YEAR:

    as far as buying whole bolts, i have a couple. one of my LQSes has the occasional sale where if you buy a whole bolt, the price Per yard is deeply discounted. this is a sale where i 'stock' my stash with backing fabrics.

  2. The only fabric I "regularly" buy as a bolt is 108" muslin from Joann's (and that's when I also have a discount coupon!). I use this muslin as backings on all my quilts.

    The only other time I can remember buying an entire bolt is of this fabulous, fabulous medium gray fabric that had "paint splatters" all over it. It is the Most Incredible background fabric; it goes with EVERYTHING. I wish I had an unending supply of it. :-)

    Otherwise, my fabric purchases are yardage. Not usually for a specific pattern but because I like the fabric. That makes it a bit more difficult to make a decision on how much to buy. :-)

  3. I dont think that I have ever bought a new, full bolt, but I have bought a large amount of fabric for backings. If I buy the rest of the fabric on the bolt, I will often ask if the cutter can re-roll the fabric onto the bolt.

    For me, its a storage issue. I have an area that I can keep the bolts in my sewing room. It seems much neater to me to have the fabric on the bolt.

  4. I have probably purchased 3 entire bolts - for backings because I thought I would use them for everything. I got really sick of them. I buy yardage mostly. I usually buy at least 3 yards - often 4 or 5. And if I really like it or it looks like a good background, I'll buy he rest of the bolt. 3 yards and less is folded and stored in Ikeya bin shelving, 2 stacks per bin (I have 75 bins); 4 yards or more is folded flat and stored on bookcase shelves (4 units, each 7 shelves high). Yes - I have a lot of fabric but am pretty good about re-arranging and cleaning out. I make a lot of quilts but seem to be unable to pass up good fabric!

  5. I have never purchased a bolt of fabric though I am sourcing the best price on an entire bolt of Kona Snow right now because I use it all the time. I have been purchasing 1/2 yard pieces of fabric for my "collection". I have made it a habit to purchase the backing right away when I purchase fabric for a new quilt top so that is usually a larger piece. I have finished the bolt a few times in a quilt shop when there was a discount for doing so and when I knew I would use the fabric as a backing for something. And as soon as I finish this comment, I'm ordering 8 yards for a quilt back and matching pillowcases. I guess it all just depends on what I have on the go! It sounds fun to order bolts but then I would think my dollars would be gone and I would not have much variety in my stash.

  6. I've wondered this same thing. I buy my fabric in the store and the only time I buy a large amount of yardage is when I'm backing a quilt with it. I tend to get tired of the same fabric and like to change things up.

  7. This is a good question. When I first started sewing I bought fat quarters. Then once I got more into it I bought yardage 1 to 3 yards.When I hit a good sell I have bought what was left on a bolt and found that is a good deal because it really is used for backing and binding. I buy a lot of Kona white beacuse I emboridery and always keep a lot of good grade muslin. If I want a quilt to last a hundred years I pay good money for good fabric.

  8. oh great question-luv the comments!
    I don't remember ever buying an entire bolt of fabric. The most I can think of is 6-7 yards of reg. width to piece for a backing. I wanted it to coordinate w/the quilt top. When I first started quilting and money was tighter I bought fat quarters. Now I buy yardage 1-2 yards but I have a project in mind (usually). I try not to just buy because I LOVE it. I've learned that in 6 months the fabric gods will come out with a new line that I's amazing. :)

  9. Hi Angie -- I used to buy just fat quarters when I started, but of course tht proved to not be enough. I usually buy 1/2 yards if I love the line, or if money isn't an issue. If I'm trying to save a little money, I'll buy 1/3 yards and then maybe a yard or two of a print I really love in the line to use as a border. I don't understand buying bolts ... I can think of only one or two pieces that I would have loved enough to have 10 or 15 yards of it. The only time I have ever had a bolt was when I bought about 7 yards of backing on sale and I had them leave it on the bolt. That I love to do ... buy my backings on sale, and buy a lot of neutral backings that pretty much go with everything.

  10. I do buy white, bone and super sale Northcott by the bolt. I used to buy my white and bone from Marshall Dry Goods(their brand is named TALL, exactly like Kona) but I've become addicted to Connecting Threads solids! LOVE them,much much much more than Kona. So, I gues my bolts are solids or super sale Northcott(5% silk in the cotton) for soft backings. Amie in Tn.

  11. I have bought two bolts of fabric, one bolt of black and one bolt of a light colored fabric with hearts on it for baby quilt backgrounds and backings. I usually will buy a yard of a fabric, but I do buy up to 3 yards if I think I will use this fabric in a couple of quilts. I buy large pieces for backs. I dislike making backs so the least amount of seams to complete a back makes me a happy quilter.

  12. I've wondered this same thing when I see studio pictures. The only thing I've every bought by the bolt is Wonder Under. But gosh, if I put all of my half-yards of different fabrics from my stash together, I wonder how many bolts I could fill?!

  13. I have only bought bolts of Kona. Usually white as I was using it for making embroidered blocks for the kids donation quilts I do.

    I buy fabric usually 3 yds if it's something I like. I have a lot of fabric in my resource center but it seems so many times when I'm pulling fabric that one piece is short and then I have to change the direction I'm going to make it work from what I have. I'm trying to whittle it down.



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