May 18, 2012

Morning Visitors

Sherlock "Sassy" told me the fawns and their mother were outside the bedroom window.

She always comes running to tell me something different is going on. She jumps up on the sofa or footstool and looks out the windows when she is concerned. I was busy quilting on this-----
  I clearly understood I better go look.
They are the cutest babies! Even though they do eat a lot of our flowers. 

Mother is never far away.


  1. i wish i had those type of visitors...unless they were eating stuff i didn't want them to...deer in the south tend to stay away from people...

    i did have a northern flicker in the backyard yesterday. first time to see him...

  2. Those babies are so cute. Our deer here are a little more wary but they do love the clover on the front yard and rest in a thicket on our property where dogs and people don't bother them. I don't feed them though as some neighbors do cuz I don't want to encourage them to eat my flowers.

  3. Great pictures of the deer. Did Sassy want to go out and play with them?

  4. Wow, what great photos. Those babies are too too cute. I would have shrieked and scared them. How adorable. Thanks for sharing!


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