November 10, 2012

I'm Ready for "Easy Street"!

I haven't done a Bonnie Hunter mystery for a long time---well, not since "Orange Crush".  So, when Bonnie announced "Easy Street" (I think it's the name that drew me in---) I couldn't resist.  I hope I use up a lot of the fabrics from my stash that I have pulled out from every nook and cranny.

Don't we always say that, and then we end up buying more to complete the color choices and end up with more fabric than we had to start with! I do! It's a vicious circle I tell you! But, I try---

Here are some of my fabrics for "Easy Street" at Bonnie's suggestions. I like to follow her clues when it comes to the fabric colors as close as I can. At least stay in the general color values. It helps with the cutting.   Greens, turquoise, purples, black and white prints and the "constant" which I bought this morning. ooops!  (see I told you it's difficult to not buy fabric)---does it help if I say "it was on sale!" :o) I really truly did not have any greyish tone fabric. I guess I should thank Bonnie for alerting me to that fact. I do have some now!

"turquoise blue"
"black & white"

"constant" grey-ish

Living the life on Easy Street! The mystery starts Nov. 23rd!
Will I see you on easy street? I hope so!


  1. LOVE your fabric choices, Angie - what a nice stash you must have! I think I may actually have a few of those greens and purples, still pulling mine and may still need to purchase a few to complete the black on white. We used alot of that same type of fabric in Orca Bay and my stash is a little depleted...Can you believe it?!

    Your quilt should be gorgeous with these fabrics - I'll be anxious to see yours and others as we go along ;-)

    Ready to get started!

  2. Thanks for the push. I was wavering about tackling a mystery quilt, but seeing your fabrics together in one photo gave me a better idea than Bonnie's individual photos. I will try a pastel set (because I CAN bear to part with them without a strain -- they were someone else's scraps). My gray constant is Moda Marbles, but I don't have enough of it.. maybe it won't be so constant And I'll be using cream background.

    PS your letters to type allowing a posting are too hard to read.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have never tried a Bonnie Hunter mystery they just seam too complicated! :( and overwhelming to me. Maybe she should do a baby step/entry level mystery for us chicken quilters. Your fabrics look really nice together so whatever happens it will be wonderful.

  5. Your fabric choices are wonderful. I have not read about the new mystery yet. I have been behind on my blog reading. Have been doing more babysitting which really cuts into my other pursuits. But those babies are just too cute to resist! Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Love your colors. I am using batiks but I had to buy a black and white print and a piece of green. Just finished pinning 50 sets of the 4 patch together. Back to sewing tomorrow afternoon.


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