January 05, 2014

Books & Magazines-Purging!

I am finding I seldom, I mean almost never, use my sewing and quilting books. Just like my recipe books---I now rely more and more on the internet for finding a particular quilt pattern or technique at the computer. How many ways can you cook a chicken! Well, the internet will help you with that---and  also how to make just about any quilt block or quilt too!

So, today, my goal is to get rid of 95% of all my quilt books and magazines.  I've already cleaned the recipe books out----I kept just a few family favorites.  Same goes with the quilt books!

I'm going to fill the back of the suv, and on Tuesday I will take them to our monthly Remnants sew-in, if any of my friends there want any of the quilt books, they are welcome to them---what is left will be donated to the local Book box or our local craft and sewing thrift shop.

I am never going to do all the quilts in these books! I've read and re-read them many times. I have enjoyed them, but it's time for someone else to use them.


  1. I *so* agree with you. I also have boxes of old (some VERY old) magazines that I'm sure I was enthused about when I bought them. Some even have Post-it notes as flags in them, so I'll pay particular attention to those pages ... but I'm willing to bet that I'll be able to purge a great deal of my magazines too.

    Angie, you're a great inspiration! :-)

  2. Good for you! I'm impressed that you are able to give 95% of them away. My shelves look very similar to yours and I have quite a few books that I never look at, so you've inspired me to purge.

  3. I did the same thing with cookbooks just before Christmas and managed to donate 45 books to the library book sale. Wow, I still have a collection of old favorite but mostly for sentimental reasons. I don't know about the quilt books, that may take more will power than I possess right now.

  4. What a great job you did in purging your books. I have given many books to my quilt guild and taken some to our main library for their monthly book sale. Also, some of my mother's doll books actually made it onto a special shelf in the library itself. I was very pleased about that, and Mom would be pleased to know her books were well appreciated.


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