February 02, 2014

Rain on me o' rain rain

rain on me o' rain rain rain

o' rain rain rain
come rain on me o' rain
rain on every plant that grow o' dear rain
rain on every resource o' dear rain
rain to green the plants
the plants that of nature's decor
rain on us and never let go
quench my thirst; to get so
rain on me o' rain rain rain

rain for happiness and leisure
rain for our children to play
rain on the soil for us this day
so, we plant more food to feed us this way
go to the fields and gardens; same way
rain o' beautiful rain
rain rain rain

By Onalethuso Petruss Ntema

1 comment:

  1. We received (2") two whole inches! So grateful for those but wishing for more. We should be at 20 inches by this time of year. Let's do a collective rain dance.


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