February 13, 2014

Some Early Signs of Spring

The weather has been so strange here in Sonoma County for the past three months. Freezing cold January nights, warm days, no rain, lots of rain this past week  and now more warm day time temps. I'm confused, and the Spring blooming plants are even more confused.

Daffodils in January and February. 

The Camellias are also in full bloom since the rain this past weekend. Usually the rain plasters the poor blooms all of the Spring months and causes them to fall to the ground, and we never really get to enjoy the full effect. Today, the bush is not wet and the flowers and shiny leaves look beautiful!  Enjoying an early Spring!


  1. Daffodils are my favorite flower. I thought years ago that when I retired I would raise daffodils of all different types. Have not done that yet! Your flowers are beautiful. Our fruit tree (that does not produce fruit) has the most gorgeous pink blossoms all over it.

  2. I hope that the seasons slow down a bit or we'll be back to summer before we know it. I also have daffys popping up. I love camellias and yours is a beauty so i guess we should just enjoy whatever is happening as there's nothing we can do about it.

  3. Your post gives me hope that spring may actually come! Right now my daffodils are under 2 feet of snow!


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