August 10, 2015

What's on the Design Wall

 I'm really trying to work on my unfinished projects. This is one of them.  It is so old, and has been packed away in a container on the UFO shelf, I can't even remember when I started it. I was tempted to just give it away to our local craft recycle thrift shop, but I have so much time invested in the machine embroidery and 30's print fabrics, I reconsidered.

All the machine embroideries depict the months of the year, starting with January in the upper left corner, and ending with December in the lower right corner.

What it needs for a "finished UFO" is a border, and of course the final quilting and binding.  It's been on the design wall for weeks now. (not as long as it was stored away though!)--- I really need to be more motivated and get it done!

I'm sort of stuck with the mitered corner. I don't miter good at all! So, I'm avoiding it. The borders you see missing in the photo are finished, I just don't have them up on the design wall.

I have the idea here, now to execute it----sigh.

Here are some close ups of the embroidery….I would post a link to the designs, but I can't remember where they came from.  This will make a cute quilt for a little girl. There was probably a little girl in mind when I started this, who is now all grown up!


  1. It's gorgeous! Stick with it, you won't regret it. Or you could send it to me I love 30's prints...LOL!

  2. Back in 2001 they were available at Ann the Gran for free, but like many things there, they are no longer available. That is going to be such a wonderful quilt, worthy of handing down thru generations.

  3. What a darling quilt. I am glad you decided to finish is. Some little girl is going to be very happy to receive this special quilt. Way to go Angie!

  4. Glad you decided not to abandon these darling embroideries. I always love seeing your quilts as you're the only one I know of besides myself who does both machine embroidery and quilting. You always give me the best ideas.


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