25-1/2" x 38 rag rug
The rag rugs are fun, I just get side tracked with other quilting projects and forget about how useful and interesting it is to weave. Weaving a rug from fabric strips is also great way to use up scraps of fabric. I bought this particular loom years ago from the Country Threads booth at Pacific International Quilt Festival.
My loom has a wooden base with legs. I don't see that base on their website anymore, but it's certainly worth having as it makes the loom adjustable in height, and provides a steady base while I'm weaving. I can make a rug in a day or so once I get the weft in place. I've really procrastinated long enough on this rug. Bill won't have to ask "when are you going to finish the rug" anymore. Soon it will be done. I may even start another. Heaven knows I have enough fabric scrap strips to do dozens of rag rugs!
While I'm weaving, these are stitching!--or vice-versa.

OHmyGosh I don't know what I like better the rug or the embroidery! They're both great. The rug really intrests me though-thanks for sharing.
My mom made rugs like that years and years ago. Her frame was home-made with nails on both ends to wrap the warp. She usually used either binder twine or old nylons for the warp as there was always lots of both around.
I love how your rag rug is coming out...what a great look! As I was reading your post it gave me an idea...I have a chair with a woven seat that is falling apart and I've been trying to come up with a way to weave a new bottom with fabric. See where I'm going? Do you think that the same technique that you are using for your rug would work for a chair seat?
Love how the blocks are turning out. I thought I was going to do some locker hook rugs at one point but I know that won't happen...I might however get out a giant crochet hook and make a rag rug one of these days.
I have always wanted to make a rag rug. When I was younger my aunt lived with us and she knitted, crocheted, tatted and made rag rugs. She taught me to knit and crochet, but I never learned to make the rag rugs.
Love the colour balance you have achieved in your crazy patchwork -delicate but interesting
Oh my goodness!! You are the first person I have actually seen making those woven rugs. I bought the little book and built a frame about 8 years ago and have made so many of those rugs. I never seem to run out of fabric scraps. (I sew for 5 grand daughter and a granson) plus piece quilt tops. I made a frame for my sister and taught her how to weave them. I do some with woven patterns but most are the hit or miss kind , with a stripe effect. I love them and so does everyone who sees them. I am so glad to finally see someone else like to make them.
I made one of those rugs too. Took forever. May make another one. Love the puppy - too cute!!!
They are so much fun to make. Plus really relaxing. Show us your finished product when done. Have a beautiful day!!
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