Leaves, hearts, small twirly-whirlies. Some feathers, some flowers with feather petals.
Here is one of the Martha Quilts---Freehanded.
It's fun to do this type of free handing. If you need some more structure than going it on your own, there is a good book by Diana Phillips of Cozy Creations. "Friendly Freehanding". Backgrounds and Overalls Volume 1. Floral Medley on page 6 provided some inspiration for this.
*GASP* That is gorgeous! Not sure I'm brave enough to try it, but it sure is pretty!
gosh, that's gorgeous!
I wish I had the self-confidence to try it. :-)
Really nice quilting. Good job. I like the way your swirls all go different directions.
just gorgeous, wish I could freehand like that.
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