As I woke up and stretched and splashed some water on my face, and made a beeline for the coffee, and looked out at the peaceful morning while it steamed and the wonderful aroma of morning coffee filled the kitchen and I took that first sip I glanced at the calender and remembered what day this is. How sometimes it feels like only yesterday this horrific event happened, and how sometimes it seems so long ago and I almost feel like maybe it really didn't happen---like a bad dream. But, then I know I will not forget---and my thoughts wander to to the day it happened. Sept. 11, 2001.
It probably started just like my day for so many families getting ready for work. Children getting back to school, on a balmy Sept. morning and I remember and say a prayer for all the survivors, their families and the brave firefighters.
We shall not forget you and all that you did on that memorable day.

1 comment:
Thank you for remembering 9-11 and for taking time to post your thoughts on your blog. May we never forget.
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