I've been steadily stitching out more of the Anita Goodesign "Homestead" quilt blocks. The center of the quilt, like all the buildings, quilts, animals and trees are completed. That was fun! Now I'm stitching the between the rows sashings, and the outside edge borders.
These blocks are going faster because I can use my largest Babylock Ellismo hoop set up to do three sashings at a time in one hooping. Soon I will be sewing the blocks together. Yay! Anita Goodesign embroidery projects are time consuming, but so much fun!
I confess. I have a thread obsession. I now have more thread than fabric! For one, as the years have past on I find certain threads are not as good as others. For instance, I rarely use Sulky Rayon to machine embroidery with anymore. It was like the first ever machine embroidery thread I purchased back in 1995. I think along with Coats & Clark it was the premier thread to own if you had an embroidery machine. It may still be for many---but, I moved on to Maderia Rayon in 2000 when I purchased a Maderia Treasure Chest at an introduction sale. I still love and use my Treasure Chest. Even though many embroidery enthusiast (me included)---have moved on to Polyster threads in recent years.
Maderia Treasure Chest Threads
Polyester embroidery threads are stronger and colorfast, and most have a the lovely sheen of Rayon threads. This past year I sold most of my Sulky and replaced it with Floriani and Isacord threads.
Anita Goodesigns suggest Floriani colors for their embroideries, and the colors are beautiful. Luckily I have a local source for Floriani threads. So, if there happens to be a color I don't have (really?)---I can get it pronto.
Isacord thread, my other favorite I do have to buy online. It has less sheen, almost a matte finish, but I like using it for some of the vintage machine embroideries like the dish towel sets. It has the similar appearance of hand embroidery "cotton" thread.
Isacord thread
Embroidery Threads: Floriani top drawer, Isacord second drawer.
You would think this is enough embroidery thread right? Well there is a bit more.
I call it the miscellaneous thread embroidery thread drawer. Or the "just in case" I don't have a certain color. My back up thread stash:
You just never know---oh, those are some precuts I have been stashing on the right side. Great for embroidery appliquƩ or quilting. I think that first charm pack says: "Everything but the Kitchen Sink" which seem appropriate for this drawer! :o)
This is just embroidery thread---there is more. Like "sewing thread", but I'll share that some other day.
Back to stitching---gotta use some of this thread!